Monday, February 18, 2008

What a weekend!

Wow! There sure seems like there was a lot that was going on up there this past weekend and there's more to come.

First we hear about that school bus sized US spy satellite loaded with toxic fuel that will fall back to earth. Then we hear about the Pentagon's plans to shoot it down so that it won't crash in someone's backyard. The shuttle Atlantis is heading back from the International Space Station after successfully delivering its cargo and another crew mate to the station. Mars water is salty. And a total lunar eclipse will take place on Feb. 20th.

Some sci-fi writer could have a field day with all this material. Satellite explodes as the Space Shuttle jets quickly home while the International Space Station observes the fireworks from above, under a darkened full moon, and NASA has to figure out how to desalinize Mars!

So sit tight y'all, it's gonna be one heckuva week that's headed our way. God speed!

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